Anuga is an international trade fair that covers the entire world market. And naturally, KD Hotelships will also be there!
High-quality accommodation in a unique and relaxed atmosphere, with easy connections to the Trade Fair and Colognes lively Old Town - the KD Hoteships are the perfect choice for visitors and exhibitors.
OUR HOTELSHIPS: MS KD Moment and MS Dutch Grace
Mooring: Cologne Oldtown
Our exclusive offer!
MS KD Moment ( Premium ):
Overnight stay with breakfast: from €395 incl. VAT per night and cabin
Double occupancy surcharge: 39€ incl. VAT per night and cabin
Booking period: 03-08 October 2025 (minimum 5 nights)
Berth: KD no. 5 (more information below)
Premium Standard MS KD Moment:
Mooring: Cologne Deutz
Our exclusive offer!
MS Dutch Grace ( Comfort Plus ):
Overnight stay with breakfast: from €359 incl. VAT per night and cabin
Double occupancy supplement: 39€ incl. VAT per night and cabin
Booking period: 03-08 October 2025 (minimum 5 nights)
Berth: Cologne Deutz (more information below)
MS Dutch Grace ( Comfort Plus ):
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