The KD Hotelship team has been working with their customers for many years - not only on the Rhine and Main but across Europe. With great commitment and passion for our work, we ensure that your ideas are realised. Our main focus is always your satisfaction.
KD – it stands for experience and expertise since 1853: the original creators of passenger shipping on rivers, KD is still a market leader in this industry. Through continuous innovations in technology, equipment and service, we have maintained our pioneering role throughout the centuries. Always with the primary goal of inspiring our customers with new offers.
We are looking forward to working together to meet your specific needs
"Trade fairs are stressful enough- we are happy to be able to bring a little peace and quiet to a stressful work day"
"With our dedicated service, we take the stress out of your accomdation arrangements, so you can focus fully on your business"
"I especially enjoy introcuding new customers to the extraordinary experience and advantages of using a hotelship"
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