

Trade Fair accommodation and MICE locations

Your hotel on the water- a truly special location.

Are you looking for a cost-effective and unique alternative to conventional business hotels - centrally located and with good connections to the Trade Fair? Then KD hotel ships are exactly the right thing for you.


Trade Fair accommodation? We sail into place

Whenever Trade Fairs take place rooms become scarce. We offer you exclusive premises and event locations – with value and service always our main focus.

Flexible event spaces to meet every expectation.

Whatever your requirements may be - with quality, safety and excellent gastronomy, our KD service team ensures that everyone on board feels completely at home. Our experienced team will be happy to assist you.

Our Mooring Places

At a range of international trade fairs, you will find our hotelships in place - in the heart of the city or close to the Trade Fair, and predominantly at our KD-owned moorings. We offer our guests the unique ambience of a floating hotel.

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Further questions? We are here to help


If you are interested in KD-Hotelships we would be pleased to hear from you.

Tel. 0049 (0) 221-2088-510 (Mon - Fri between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm)




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